We have made it simple as we can and anyone who can follow these simple 3 steps can start earning monthly revenue on their investment (ROI) in no time.
Register or Login
If you are not registered yet, to get started the first step is to log in or get registered with us by filling some short details like your most used email address so you can get an update on your investment and newsletter on hot properties or closing soon properties and most of all we would know whom to send money to and notifications relevant to it. Then your full name and username, that is it.
After registration does not forget to complete your profile page where you have to give additional details of yourself along with your bank account details. You may choose from the fiat bank account number or provide us with your Bitcoin wallet or ERC20 compatible wallet.
We usually recommend cryptocurrency wallets as it will save you your hard-earned by saving bank transfer fees. Hey, that’s your choice to make, we can work with both. 1% of the ELITE or richest individual advice to 99% is…